Saturday 29 November 2014

SLOG#10 Nov.29 2014

Times goes very fast. It seems our last lecture in this semester. I can’t tell why but second year study in the university of Toronto gives me feel that time goes so fast. I still can remember the first lecture and it seems just happened yesterday. It just like a dream within one night. I don’t want to talk a lot about our lecture this week because it was basically about assignment three. Even though it was really not an easy one but I still done it with my partner and the help from Prof. Larry Zhang. The question 6 in the assignment was kind of confused me and I finally solve it during Larry’s office hour. It was kind of embarrassed that I asked the same question three times during the office hour and I’m very appreciate about all hints he gave us and his patient explanation. Larry Zhang is definitely one of my favorite professors in the university and I can feel he prepared a lot before each of his lecture and he was trying his best to teach us. Hope I can do well in the final exam and I wish Mr.Zhang will be my prof next time.

Saturday 15 November 2014

SLOG#9 Nov.15, 2014

I didn’t do very well in Test Two. Really, I was confused about the last question, and I probably will ask Prof. Larry Zhang for remark. I used another way to prove the statement without using the definition of floor so I almost lose all marks of that question. I don’t think the question requires us to solve using the definition of floor and I have confidence about its correctness about proof.

I think today’s lecture is the hardest part I learned in this course, which is Big-O’s proof. I can understand the idea of how to proof it but it just very hard for me to do it by myself. I didn’t know when I should turn the power of variable and what should I do to get the result. Basically, I’m feeling I don’t have to plan to do the proof. And I think I also didn’t do well in this week’s tutorial. Even though it looks like I did the proof but I don’t think the value of c should be 1. I can feel there is a problem but I couldn’t find out. 

Saturday 8 November 2014

SLOG#8 Nov. 08

In this week’s lecture, Prof Larry Zhang introduced the idea of Big-O, which I think it was really a hard topic for me. Again it was a really long definition and it was confusing! for example, in the lecture it introduced that function f(n) is in O(n2) iff beyond the breakpoint B, cn2 is always above f(n). But what about the point before the point B? if the function is always above the function f(n) then it is actually easier to understand; but before the point B, cn2 actually below the function f(n) so that we cannot say f(n) is in O(n2). Then the lecture introduced the proof of Big-O. It looks easy during the lecture even though I believe I probably couldn’t do it by myself. This course always give me the feeling like this: the problem that solved in lecture looks very easy but it turns hard when I’m trying to do the problem by myself. The proof idea in the lecture was always clear and became mess by myself.

Saturday 1 November 2014

SLOG#7 Nov. 01, 2014

csc165 is becoming harder and harder and to be honest I have already experienced a quite hard time to handle it. I believe the proof part should be considered as the most important part of this course and I also can feel its difficulty. I did some past test of t2 and I feel sometimes it is hard for us to do the proof mathematically and I also kind of confuse about the proof structure; because last time my TA always tell me my way to do the proof is not the "professional" way (or I should say it is not the "formal" structure). But I don't know what the "formal" structure should be.

This week, we learned the expression of O and certain way of sort data (Bubble Sort, Merge Sort etc..) and I feel this is really not hard for me as long as I have learned this in both csc108 and csc148. So I think I still need to do more work on the proof part because this is really the most important topic in this course.

Saturday 25 October 2014

SLOG#6 Oct. 25, 2014

Again, there is a very high average in assignment one. Although I got a not bad mark as well, I still feel surprise about it. And at the same time, assignment two came out and I feel it was way harder than assignment one. But thanks for Prof Larry Zhang’s help during his office hour. He really helps me a lot and I’m very appreciate about it. There was really a lot of people in the office and I saw him even didn’t have any rest during these two hours and he really impressed me. He even extended nearly one hour for us in order to solve all our questions. And he was also extremely helpful! His idea was very clear and I would say I learned a lot during his office hour and it was even more efficient than lecture.  

In the lecture, it seems we finished the proof part and we learned certain elimination rules, such as negation elimination, conjunction elimination…etc. Moreover, we also learned the various sorting algorithms. I learned this in the other cs courses so it is really not a hard topic for me so I think this week’s lecture is fine for me. 

Saturday 18 October 2014

SLOG#5 Oct 18, 2014

We have our test back this week. It was surprised me that we have a very high average. To be honest I didn’t expect we will have an average above 70 because I thought in the University of Toronto there always a low average. The majority of mark I lose was all about the misunderstanding of the importance of order in the proof. I still thought the order wasn’t a big deal during the test so I lost some mark.

Today, the hardest part we learned was the idea of “floor”. It symbol itself was easy to understand but its proof was a hard one. Its definition was long and hard to understand and more importantly, it is not easy to use this definition to do the proof. The example in the lecture was simple (or looks simple) but it turns very hard to prove it by myself. I think definitely need more practice problem to work with and get more familiar with these kinds of problem.

Saturday 11 October 2014

SLOG#4 Oct 11, 2014

This week we learned more detail about proofs and the specific proof structure. The part I found hard was the proof of sequence. Even though the proof structure was an easy one, it was hard for me to know how to proof it. For example, in the example problem during the lecture, I don’t think I’m able to know the way to proof it by myself; I think probably more practice will help me a lot.